Ideal for students at the age of 14 to 18 years old.
Programme Length: 9 months.
Optimal schedule of classes: in the office - 2 lessons per week for 55 minutes (or once a week for 1 hour 55 minutes with a 5 minute break); online - 2 times a week for 55 minutes.
Language level: B1 to B2 + (according to the international CEFR scale).
Certificate: International TOEFL® Certificate at the end of each course if needed.
What do we do?
- we improve your language level (advanced speaking, listening comprehension, basic grammar of medium and high difficulty level in speaking and writing);
- we teach you to speak (all communication in class is in English, total immersion into the language);
- increase your motivation (you will be able to communicate with your foreign friends);
- go beyond the school curriculum (you will start watching TV shows in English, become independent when travelling);
- we prepare for BSE and USE (help to enlarge your vocabulary with words necessary for the exam, learn techniques to improve your mark).